Publix BOGO Half-Page Ad - Project 29


    Wrapping it from an exciting and adventurous journey of knowledge pertaining to the world of Graphics Arts and Design, I have arrived at my final destination, Graphic Design Portfolio. Graphic Design Portfolio introduces designers to the highly competitive and unpredictable work force. Here we discuss the how and why we construct cover letters and resumes, along with what to expect when arriving for an interview with a potential employer. It is no secret that the world of graphic design is rapidly evolving, but just as fast as its growth increases, so do our designers.

    For one of the projects this week, we are to design a piece that would help us land the job that we have chosen. I chose the Graphic Designer position on the Marketing team at Publix’s corporate office in Lakeland, Fl.

    My first project is a Buy 1, Get 1 half-page ad. Publix is well known for their Buy 1, Get 1 deals, and they are heavily advertised as one of Publix’s few benefits.

    To being my process, I did some research on Publix. I wanted to look at the layout of their ads, colors, font choices, shapes, and more. I quickly found the color green that proudly pops out of you as you gaze at the Publix logo and sign. I also found a slightly different color of green that they use to compliment the renowned Publix green. I chose to combine both of them in my piece to make different messages stand out.

    I used typeface match to get close to the typeface the Publix uses in their Buy 1, Get 1 ads. Companies often purchase their typefaces in which they are custom made for their brand identity.

    The product I chose to promote are the 20ct Mission Flour Tortilla Fajita style tortilla. I just purchased these on a Buy 1, Get 1 deal from Publix for my taco night. I snapped a picture of them in my kitchen. I took the photo into Photoshop to resize and remove the background. I then dropped it in to illustrator.

    For reference on how Publix advertises their buy 1, get 1 products, I also designed this piece so that information on the product would match the design that Publix uses in their layout.

    For the background I used the pen tool to make a shape so that it would tie all of the elements together.

Final Product:


      Publix prides themselves on their brand. I made sure that the colors, layout, design, and typeface closely matched their styles. While I do not have access to Publix’s actual brand identity, I did the best I could to maintain it. Being that Publix is a great part of the community, I also chose to create a Buy 1, Get 1 ad because this is a great benefit that customers come back for time and time again.


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