Publix Instagram Post - Project 30


    Publix is a company that places great emphasis on the quality of their products. This stands out in their company in more ways than one. A great contributor to this statement is their GreenWise organic product line. “GreenWise products were created from a shared belief in good, and you can find them throughout our stores. We believe is should be easy to bring home products you can feel good about.” You can visit the link below for more information.


    The second project I chose to create this week is a Publix Instagram post that is promoting the GreenWise Ginger Wellness Shot. I am an advocate of these shots. I choose to take a holistic approach with medicine, and these shots are a great asset.

    I began this project by brainstorming different pieces that I would like to contribute. In the end, I decided to create an Instagram post with the GreenWise Ginger Wellness Shot. Then I began to sketch out some roughs.

    I already knew that I would use the colors of Publix’s brand, and the typeface that I chose for this post is Opificio regular and bold.

    I snapped a picture of the two wellness shots staggered, and the focus is on the one to the left where you can read the ingredients that the shot consists of. The shots are well lit, and they stand out.

    The headline of this post says “Trust Your Goodness.” Publix wishes for their products to be of quality so they want it to be good and trusting.

    I added one of the Publix’s logos at the bottom along with a statement that Publix lives up to.

Final Product


    Publix is a great company, and I love their values. They stand by their products, and they want everyone to have access to quality food. These Ginger Wellness shots are a great example of quality products. This Instagram post would be great to spread the word about good health prevention because the Flu season is right around the corner, and these shots help out tremendously with sore throats and stuffed up noses. Ginger is also great for stomach issues.


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