Free Writing For 5 Minutes - Creative Exercise 1

    What would we do without creativity? What kind of world would we live in if creativity was banned or taken away? Creativity has been a part of my life since I was just a little, tiny kid. As children, we explore anything and everything we can get our hands on. Everything is new in life, but this does not have to change as we grow into adults. There is ALWAYS something new that we can get our hands on and be creative with.

    I am 31 years old, and I have decided to go back to college for a third time. I have been missing my creativity. I let life take that from me, and I am taking it back. Graphic Design is my degree of choice, and I am motivated and determined to find THAT job that absolutely thrills my soul. I will finally be able to LOVE what I do, and I will be able to learn new things that involve my creative side.


Creative Exercise #1: Free Writing for 5 Minutes

    I chose to free write for 5 minutes without stopping. This exercise is meant to help release control of what you are thinking. This can help writers come up with new ideas, and if you are having writers block, this can help break it.

    I actually wrote in one of my many journals with a pen. I love the old school feel of a pen or pencil gliding over a piece of paper. It is also very raw and unique because it is my own handwriting. This is what I wrote:


    Creativity helps us evolve as human beings. It helps our mind think out of the box, and it gives us a world where we can express our authentic selves, unapologetically. I have not tried free writing in quite some time. It felt good to be able to just write without having to think so hard. I encourage everyone to write, whether it be journaling, free-writing, poetry, song-writing, stories or books etc. This exercise will surely help us become better writers, and it will get our creative juices flowing so that we are able to communicate the message we are trying to get across to our audience. It never hurts to better oneself, and we never know what we might come up with in those few minutes of just letting our thoughts flow.


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