JAE DREAM - Project 2


Welcome to JAE DREAM, a land where all musical dreams come true. This is a hypothetical land where an artist wakes up in their daydream, and they are well known across the world and in different dimensions. These artists are motivated, hardworking, ambitious, and creative does not even define the amount of talent they have. Their musical abilities are heightened here as a reward for never giving up on what fuels and inspires them the most. They also have access to a copious amount of knowledge and instruments to create their works of art.

The Process  

I began this poster, and I came up with a piece that did not depict the full topic of the poster. I completed the first poster, and I realized what I did after the fact. I then explored more options to develop my second poster.  I did a little brainstorming and research, and the juices started flowing again.

The title of my poster is JAE DREAM because it is a play on the words, daydream, and JAE is a name that I go by as a musical artist myself.

First, I started with a black background fading to red and then white in the center. I used the brush to formulate a circular shape. I originally put a stage in the background at the top, and I had some musical instruments and equipment lying around at the bottom. I did not like these, so I immediately changed it.

I ended up choosing to use a sky with clouds opening up as if one is having a dream or drifting off into a dream state or daydream. They have their “head in the clouds”. During these moments our imaginations drift off, and we come up with unique ideas.

I chose to create a collage of musical equipment and instruments that one would use in music. The collage of musical equipment is building a tower in the sky, coming out of the clouds. I wanted it to portray a sense of fantasy because usually daydreams come out of nowhere and are not real.

I used the old-school mic as the centerpiece of the tower because of its length. I built everything around that piece.

I chose Garamond as the font because I like the way that it went with my poster. It is also easy to read against the background that I chose. There is a lot of detail in this poster, and the writing needs to be legible and readable to get the message across.


When we daydream, there are endless possibilities. JAE DREAM is just that place for the aspiring musical artist.


Revamped Version


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