City of Winter Haven Post Cards - Project 12


    Every city has the top places that people would visit if they happened to stumble into that area or plan a trip. I have chosen the City of Winter Haven for this project. The City of Winter Haven is small, and most people have probably never heard of the name. Even though it is one of the smaller cities in Florida, there are some events, parks, and places that represent this little hidden treasure.

    For this project, we are supposed to create five postcards that tell a story and represent a specific audience. I have chosen five beautiful pictures that represent Winter Haven.  When I was assigned this, I had a few of these in mind because I visit them from time to time.

City Of Winter Haven Post Cards

Postcard 1

Dr. Martin Luther King Park

I created two masks for this photo, the subject and the background.

    For the subject, I increased the contrast by 21, the highlights by 61, the shadows by 25, the whites by 3, the blacks by 25, the temperature by 42, the texture by 32, the saturation by 3, the clarity by 25, the dehaze by 32, and the sharpness by 20.

    For the background, I decreased the whites by -20 and increased the temperature by 40, the texture by 18, the clarity by 13, and the dehaze by 15.

    For the overall picture, I shifted it horizontally by .7, cropped it, removed the powerlines and two lamp posts from the background with the content-aware remove tool, added a patch of grass with the spot heal tool, and increased the texture by 32, and the dehaze by 18.

Postcard 2

Winter Haven Library

I created 2 masks for the photo, the subject and the background.

    For the subject, I increased the contrast by 23, the highlights by 26, the whites by 37, the temperature by 18, the saturation by 32, the texture by 21, the clarity by 21, and the sharpness by 23. I decreased the hue by -4.9.

    For the background, I increased the saturation by 15, the texture by 54, the clarity by 16, the dehaze by 13, and the sharpness by 8. I decreased the whites by -13.

    For the overall photo, I cropped the picture, removed the tower and car with the content-aware tool, and increased the texture by 20, the clarity by 14, and the vibrance by 19.

Postcard 3

Winter Haven Saturday Market

I created 2 masks for this photo, the subject and the background.

    For the subject, I increased the texture by 35, the clarity by 15, and the sharpness by 13. I decreased the exposure by -.17, the hue by -37, the shadows by -18, the whites by -38, the blacks by -23, and the dehaze by -13.

    For the background, I increased the texture by 35, the clarity by 35, the dehaze by 20, the sharpness by 33, and the saturation by 28. I decreased the exposure by -.65, the highlights by -76, the shadows by -74, the whites by -23, and the hue by -11.4.

    For the overall picture, I cropped it a bit, and I used the spot heal tool to add some of the tree back to the top left-hand corner. Then I increased the temperature by 9, the texture by 11, and the clarity by 11.

Postcard 4

Winter Haven Courtyard

I created 2 masks for this photo, the subject and the background.

    For the subject, I increased the temperature by 38, the texture by 23, the clarity by 9, the dehaze by 15, and the sharpness by 20. I decreased the highlights by -20, the shadows by -18, and the blacks by -21.

    For the background, I increased the texture by 25, the clarity by 26, the dehaze by 21, the temperature by 15, and the sharpness by 20. I decreased the whites by -15.

    For the overall photo, I increased the texture by 44, the clarity by 11, the dehaze by 9, the temperature by 11, and the sharpness by 24. I also used curves.

Postcard 5

Legoland Florida

    This was my favorite shot. For this photo, I added 3 masks, the sky, the subject, and the background.

    For the sky, I decreased the whites by -9, and I increased the texture by 20, the clarity by 16, and the dehaze by 28.

    For the subject, I increased the contrast by 20, the shadows by 21, the whites by 21, the temperature by 37, the texture by 42, the clarity by 37, the dehaze by 37, and the sharpness by 18.

    For the background, I increased the texture by 20, the clarity by 18, the dehaze by 18, and the sharpness by 16. I decreased the highlight by -21, and the shadows by -11.

    For the overall photo, I increased the whites by 20 the blacks by 42, the texture by 19, the clarity by 16, the dehaze by 19, and the sharpness by 14. I decreased the highlights by -25, and the shadows by -12.

    All of the postcards are 7x by 5x, and they have an artistic profile 5 and a -11-vignette applied to them. The typography that I chose is Brush Script MT. I thought that it looked elegant, and inviting, and it went well with my images along with the white text. For the border, I used a 4.0 Gaussian blur, and I added a white stroke on the inside to make it pop.


    All of my photos were planned. I knew where I wanted to go shoot, and I knew what I wanted to take pictures of. I planned it throughout the week. There are many places in Winter Haven that people are unaware of. I am sure that after this post some people will have a better idea of places to visit and what represents this small city. I learned a lot from making these postcards. I realized that I needed to take more photos and take my time. I also realized that you need to leave some room to add a border so that you have the exact image inside of it, otherwise, some of your images will look cut off. I still have a lot to learn, but I enjoyed this assignment, and I am getting better with Lightroom Classic and Photoshop.


Postcards Revamped    

    After doing this project and receiving feedback, I wanted to revamp my original postcards. This is how they turned out!

Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Postcard 5


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