One + One = Two - Creative Exercise 11


    Do you remember what it was like back in elementary school? We were probably learning simple addition problems such as One + One or One + Two and so on. Now for those of you who went to school, I would hope that you know the sum of One + One. For those of you who went to school and don’t know, oh boy is all I have to say!

One + One = TWO!


    The exercise I chose is One + One = Two, 9 Best Exercises To Spark Creativity In Ideation written by Agne Strimaityte. I found it on innovationlab (link below) as I was browsing somewhere new to find ideas for creative exercises.

    This was an interesting exercise. The instructions were to partner up with one person and come up with an object that started with the first letter of your surname. Instead of choosing an object that started with the first letter of my surname, I chose two objects that started with the first letter of both my first name and surname because it was only me participating.

    After these objects were chosen, I had to combine them to create a product or a service. During this process, you had to keep the audience, the design, and what it does in mind.

    I came up with a list of words for the letter J and then a separate list for the letter C, since those are my first and last initials.

It took me a bit to come up with words for J. C was easier, of course.

J – Jolly Rancher, Jam, Jar, Jet

C – Car, Cell, Canister, Can, Charger, Cello, Carrot, Chop Sticks, Cat

    The two that I decided on were the Jolly Rancher and the Car. I often see eccentric wraps on cars that make you double-take, and what came to my mind was a bright Jolly Rancher blue wrap to go on a nice car. This would draw everyone in and would be a GREAT advertisement for the brand of the car and The Hershey Company which owns the Jolly Rancher candy.


    This exercise would be great to repeat every week, month, or whatever timeframe you see fit. The longer you sit with these ideas, the more ideas you will come up with. It will also become more interesting to see how these objects can be turned into creative ideas and maybe even real-life products or services that take off. When I was growing up, I remember doing some exercises like these, but not too many. Now that I have been reintroduced, I think these are incredible ways to come up with original ideas. Everyone should try doing creative exercises when they are stumped or even just to better themselves.


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