When Egg Noodles Die Young - Creative Exercise 15


    According to dictionary.com, an acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word. Acronyms are used for many reasons whether it is made to remember the name of something, or whether the letters do stand for something else. Either way, they can be beneficial in certain situations.

    For this creative exercise, I must admit that you will not be able to figure out what one of my favorite things is. I’m just kidding! You may get some sort of an idea. This post just naturally came together.

    This creative exercise is called When Egg Noodles Die Young and I found it in the book CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND 250 EXERCISES TO WAKE UP YOUR BRAIN written by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield.

    In this exercise, you are to choose one of your names. It can be any one of your names: first, last, and I am sure you could use your middle name if you wanted to. The name that I chose is my first name, Jordan. After you choose which name you want to use, you are going to come up with an acronym that stands for the name you picked.

My Acronym:








    As we all continue jamming on random decks around New York, or wherever it is that you jam to your favorite bands and artists, I bet you will never forget what my name is. I know there is no way I will ever forget it either! It is definitely a great reminder. It depicts my personality well. The first word for J that I came up with was jogging. I started to build the acronym from that idea, but then I realized jamming was the winner. I do way more jamming than I do jogging at this point in my life. Although, I will be getting back to both jamming and jogging equally. Staying healthy, creative, and jamming to music and even new music are a big part of what makes up Jordan. Everyone should participate in the exercise When Egg Noodles Die Young.

What is an acronym for one of your names?


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