10 Essential Tips & Tools All Adobe Illustrator Beginners Should Know by Sharon Archer-Thomas - Design Post 15


    Because this Month’s class is about learning how to use Adobe Illustrator, I am going to talk about an article I found titled 10 Essential Tips & Tools All Adobe Illustrator Beginners Should Learn written by Sharon Archer-Thomas.



    Thomas states that it is hard to talk about what tools a beginner should be using because there are now so many tools to choose from. She is obsessed with vector graphics, and with 10 years of experience in the graphic design industry, she has listed 10 tips that she says she cannot do without when creating her vector graphics.

10 Essential Tips & Tools All Adobe Illustrator Beginners Should Know

TIP 1: Pen Tool

    The Pen Tool is tough to master, and graphic designers who are just starting sometimes are scared away by the complexity of it. Thomas goes on to say that once you learn this tool nothing can stop you in Illustrator.

A tutorial that she shares to help out is at this link https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/illustrators-pen-tool-the-comprehensive-guide--vector-141 and Web Design Ian Yates is the creator.

    Thomas also shares that it is possible to create vector graphics without the pen tool like Tuts+ Instructor Andrei Marius.

TIP 2: Master Clipping Masks

    Clipping Masks changed Thomas’s life by helping to limit a pattern, group of shapes, paths, etc. These



Tip 3: Pathfinder Panel

    Thomas shares her love for this tool! This tool helps when you want to make shapes from other shapes, especially when it comes to flat-design and illustrations made from basic shapes.

Tutorial by Tuts+ Instructor Cheryl Graham:


    Once you have mastered this tool, step it up and master the Shape Builder Tool which is more efficient.


Tip 4: Appearance Panel

    NO MORE duplicating shapes over an over again to get the right colors, shapes, and fills! The Appearance panel is here.

    This panel helps your efficiency and narrows down how many anchor points you use to create your shapes and designs.



Tip 5: Making Brushes

    Making Brushes in Illustrator allows more room for creative freedom. Once you learn how to make them, you will find loop holes to be able to use them.

    Thomas uses art brushes more than anything, but she posted a tutorial on her first blog with Tuts+ that explains how to use Width Profile Brushes https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-sliced-kiwi-fruit-with-only-one-shape-in-adobe-illustrator--vector-16349.

Tip 6: Layers Panel Zen

    It is important to Organize your files! If you do not organize your files, at some point, you will be lost.

Tutorial by Kate McInnes:  


Tip 7: Color and Swatches

    Swatches are also important. Many companies and organizations use swatches to help organize their colors for certain projects and branding.

Swatches consist of gradients, skins tones, patterns, textures, etc.

Tutorial for Colors:


Tip 8: Pattern Options

    Thomas expresses that it was not until CS6 that patterns were made easy with Pattern Options. Life-creating vector graphics became a lot easier. This is another way to express your creative uniqueness.

Tutorial by Mary Winkler:


Tip 9: Saving Vector Art the Correct Way

    Make sure your Artboard looks exactly how you want it to look. Use Artboard Took (Shift-O) to do so.

Then go to File, Save for Web. Select your file and press save.

Tutorial by Cheryl Graham:


Tip 10: You Won’t Know Everything In One Night and It’s Alright

    Lastly, Thomas just wants you to know that Rome was not built in one night. You are new, and you are going to make mistakes. It is ok. Do not beat yourself up. You have to practice and keep on moving forward. She encourages you to take part in the many vector communities out there and challenge yourself.


    These days Adobe Illustrator has simplified the process of creating graphic designs tremendously. With some practice of these basic skills and tools, you will already be a much better designer. These tutorials will help finetune your skills, and if you are just seeing these tools for the very first time, try them out and get to know them. Don’t let the unknown discourage you. You are here for a reason. Keep your head up, practice and never give up.


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