AOS/The Painted Turtle Brochures - Project 22


    The second project for this week involved making a brochure. In the book, Against The Clock, a brochure needed to be made for the event The Art Of Science The Spotlight Exhibition Series.

    The book walks you through how to do this project, and it provides you with logos, text, and images that the client wants in their brochure. It then tells you where to place them, and it teaches you how to make the template for the brochure.

AOS Final Product

    The next portion of this project is to create the project at the end of the chapter, and the client is The Painted Turtle. The Painted Turtle needs a fundraising brochure made including images, logos, contact information, information about the fundraiser, background information, and a donation sheet.

    They had a fire, and the fire destroyed a large portion of their camp. They are raising money to rebuild it so their campers to return to their happy, fun spot.

    For this portion, I get to choose everything leaving me with pure creative freedom. They are just asking that it be bright, happy, and colorful to reflect the overall spirit of the camp.

    I chose Journal OT Bold Ultra for the title of the brochure because it is fun and stands out. I chose ATC Garnet Medium for the information in the pamphlet because it is professional and easier to read. For the background colors of the brochure, I chose bright bold colors that came from the logo. I put the logo on the front along with a couple of images of having a blast at the camp. The donation portion can be filled out and cut out to be sent in the mail. All of the information needed is on that portion of the brochure.

The Painted Turtle Final Product


    I struggled with getting the template together. I had to redo it because it did not look right. When I redid it, I realized I skipped a step. After I realized the step I skipped, I was able to get through it with no problem. I already created a template for this first portion of the project, so the second portion came together rather quickly. I just had to choose the colors, images, typography, and the information that I wanted and where I wanted it to be placed on the layout. Overall, I was very pleased with how both of these projects turned out. I am becoming more comfortable with Adobe Illustrator.


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