Greed - Project 21


    Our third week of Digital Illustration has almost come to an end, and I have finished my 21 here at Keiser University.

This week’s project is to pick one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Pride, Lust, or Envy. The Deadly Sins would all be interesting to depict considering we have the creative freedom to do whatever we want with this project just as long as we put some deep thought and effort into it.

The Deadly Sin that I have chosen is GREED.

    Greed consumes many people daily, and the need for Greed can also consume you causing you to live a life that you may not be able to afford. It can also have you dreaming of a fantasy life that doesn’t exist neglecting the life that you do presently have.

    Then others have so much wealth that they do not know what to do with it, meanwhile, there are so many who struggle on a daily basis.

    After doing some research the color that represents greed is yellow. There were several animals and objects discussed such as: crowns, toads, goats, dragons, money, diamonds, gold, all-seeing-eye, and even the Christian demon Mammon, etc.

    When I concluded my research, I knew that I wanted to use a Toad. I placed a gold crown on his head since they both represent power, wealth, and fortune.

    I chose to put a cape on the toad and have him flying over a patch of earth lifting it with his powers. Dangling from the patch of earth is toilet paper, medicine, a cigarette, and a cooling tower from a nuclear power plant.

    I also have gold coming out of the dirt portion of the earth because gold is a symbol of greed as well.

    All of these things produce billions and trillions of money for the wealthy. Some of them are harmful, and some of them disappear at times.

    I wanted to get creative with it. All I could think of was money at first, and we were not allowed to use money. Then my thought process went to real-life issues.

Final Greed Poster


    For this project, I did a lot more brainstorming and planning before I jumped into it. I realized that this was one of my biggest issues. It helped out tremendously. I saved a lot more time brainstorming, and I was more relaxed and happier with my product. I still have a long way to go with illustrating designs, but I believe that my project turned out to be better than I expected.


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