Very Green - Creative Exercise 17


    According to, an Adjective is defined as a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to, or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

    Adjectives bring sentences and connecting words to life. Without our good ole friends, the adjectives, and descriptions of persons, places, or things would be well, rather dull. The idea of language would be rather dull. So, I am certain that English/Language Arts teachers around the are thrilled to know that creative exercises like this exist. I bet they would even like to incorporate these exercises into their curriculum somehow because adjectives are used daily for everything in life.

    I am a huge fan of adjectives because I write poetry and rap songs. If you are unaware of these two forms of art, they use a profuse number of adjectives because they are all about wordplay and telling and creating stories.

    The title of this creative exercise is Very Green, and I came across it in the book CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND 250 EXERCISES TO WAKE UP THE BRAIN written by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield.

    Very Green instructs the user to find a photograph that is intriguing in a magazine. Once you have found the photo, you are to come up with 25 adjectives that describe this chosen photograph.

    The award-winning photograph I have chosen is from Photoshop User’s magazine. It is titled Halloween, and it was created by Suzanne Robinson.

    The picture is of railroad tracks that lead to a city at night time with the moon and fog right in the middle of the city.


Abandoned                                                                     Evil/Sinister

Eerie                                                                                Ghost Town

Foggy                                                                              Haunted

Quiet                                                                                Black/White/Green

Dark                                                                                 Dreary                       

Bright Full Moon                                                             Lonely

Worn                                                                                Apprehensive

Bushy                                                                               Unclear

Overgrown                                                                       Misty

Unkempt                                                                          Damp

Rusty                                                                                Hollow

Rotten                                                                               Still



    We use adjectives in many aspects of our lives. Without them, it would be difficult to describe anything such as how you feel when you are at the doctor's office. You also use them when you want someone to make various dishes of food. Everyone has different tastes. How would we get by without being able to accurately describe what we want or how we are feeling? Adjectives are important in any language, and this exercise helps to enhance one's vocabulary at the same time it helps you think. Ultimately you learn multiple lessons from one exercise!

You’re welcome!

Lastly, what photograph would you choose to describe and why?


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