Haiku-A-Gogo - Creative Exercise 22


    We have all heard of poetry at some point in our lives, and most of us have probably had to write at least one poem throughout our childhood years in school and definitely in college. Some of us found a passion for writing poetry and other forms of writing, and others probably said yea, this is not for me. I fell in love with writing when I was just a little kid.

    Whether you like poetry or not, have you ever heard of the different forms of poetry like free verse, sonnet, limerick, ballad, ode, acrostic, haiku, etc.? I know some of you probably fell asleep during this lesson, but I thought maybe you would remember at least one or two of these forms of poetry. I may be reaching out on a limb! 

    Well, today you will learn what a haiku is. A haiku is one of the most popular forms of iteration, and it follows this formula:

Haiku Formula

5 syllables 

7 syllables

5 syllables

    Haikus are short and sweet, and they leave you wanting more. They leave you thinking about what just happened. What are all of the juicy details? You will not find those here. This leaves most of the story for your interpretation.

    This creative exercise is called Haiku-A-Gogo, and it was written by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield from their CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND series, a book filled with nothing but out-of-the-box exercises to build your creativity.

    In this creative exercise, there are no restrictions. The only restriction is that the simple formula that has been presented above must be followed to complete a haiku. It can be about anything! So, here is my haiku, and I named it Breakthrough.


Pondering, drifting

In an unknown dimension

Answers come ringing


    I have always enjoyed writing. It is one of my passions. I tried to develop it little by little and piece by piece over the years, and in my opinion, it has grown tremendously. I also believe the same about these creative exercises. Participating in them has helped my projects and studies for school, and it has also helped with my personal endeavors, including my writing skills. I will probably continue these exercises throughout my life, if not, something similar.


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