My Astro-Toupee - Creative Exercise 24


    A majority of people are born with hair, and it kind of just sticks with them throughout their whole lives riding its evolution process to term, and then there are some other people who lose their hair at some point for various reasons whether they are younger or older.

    Whatever your case may be, this creative exercise shall be interesting for those who have both; however, those of you who don't have hair may have a bit more fun coming up with ideas.

    This is another exercise out of the book CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND series written by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Le Oldfield, and was given the wondrous name of "My Astro-Toupee", how funny and relevant, right?

    In the creative exercise "My Astro-Toupee", you are to be unique, wild, and make sure the ideas you choose stand out. These ideas could be anything that comes to your imagination. They should make people gawk at you in awe because these things are abnormal things to be replaced by one’s natural hair. In saying this, you need to list 5 alternatives for what will be placed upon your beautiful head instead of hair! When you have come up with 5 things you then have to pick one and try to draw out what it would look like. What would you choose to be in its place?

5 Things:


Recording Studio

Drafting Studio

Science Lab

Time Machine

I chose the garden!


     As I was thinking things that could dress my head to replace my hair, I had a ton of ideas. I believe the ones I have chosen are some of the bests. If we could actually find a way to incorporate these things onto our head, we could find a way to use our brainwaves and thought process to sync up to these things and everything would flow better. You could use your brain to automatically produce what has already been thought about in your head. Also, your thoughts could fertilize your garden, as well as, send yourself or other people back in time to wherever you set your intentions to inside your head! The brain is one of the most powerful organs emitting and vibrating at certain frequencies. There is not telling what we could actually do with it in comparison to building something extravagant to be placed upon its shelter.



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