Nigerian Street Buka's Brand Identity - Project 26

    Now that a Logo had been established for Nigerian Street Buka, it was time to create a Brand Identity. For this part of the assignment, we were supposed to create a Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope, and a Website Mock-up (For a cell phone screen.) for our restaurant.

    I began this project by researching various brand identities and business cards. I wanted to get a feel for what was out there in the world of the restaurant industry. Anyone can come up with a generic design for their brand identity, but if you want your brand identity to speak to your customers visually and emotionally, there needs to be a great portion of brainstorming and planning: colors, shapes, typography, and more need to be taken into careful consideration.

    After completing my research, I drew my artboards out for each project piece and began contemplating a few designs. I knew my colors would be a combination of two or three colors that I picked from the logo itself. I placed the logo at the top left corner of the business card, letterhead, and envelope. I like the way that it was placed up there visually.

    I designed the business card first with black and green as the main colors. I made a portion of it black, and the green portion I made into a triangle which made the card unique. The logo stuck out on the black background, and the information was typed in white to stand out from the green background on the triangle.

    I wanted the business card design to sort of flow into the letterhead and envelope. I incorporated a green rectangular shape to go across the bottom, and I made a black triangular shape that came down along the right side of both the envelope and letterhead where the point met the green shape at the bottom. I placed the address horizontally from the logo just along the edge of the black triangle.

    The typeface I chose to compliment my logo’s typeface was Century Gothic Regular and Bold. I also researched what typefaces would complement Bookman Old Style Bold, and this one complemented my design.

    When designing the website page, I wanted you to immediately get that fun, Nigerian street feel. I incorporated black, green, and white as the colors. It is edgy like you were buying food on the street. I also put Nigerian Street Buka’s vision below the picture of some of our authentic suya.

    As soon as you click to open our restaurant page you see our logo, some of our authentic food, our vision, and there are buttons to order food and look at our menu. At the top, there is also a menu to navigate our website.

Business Card





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