DANGERBALL - Creative Exercise 26


    This week is week 2 of Digital Video and Audio Editing, and I have decided to switch up the process a tad bit. It isn’t a major switch, but change, even the smallest detail is good for the soul.

    I am taking a hiatus from CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND: 250 EXERCISES TO WAKE UP YOUR BRAIN, and I am going to be exploring another book. This book is named “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS”, and it is written by Stefan Mumaw who was also a coauthor of the CAFFEINE series.

I have chosen the creative exercise “DANGERBALL”.

    I imagine that your wheels are spinning trying to figure out what this exercise is about. Obviously, it has something to do with a ball. Well, most activities that include a ball are organized sports. Unfortunately, but sometimes fortunately there are rules. Rules are put in place so that the sport flows, and people don’t get hurt or hurt somebody.

    DANGERBALL wants you to remove all of these rules and alter their purposes. The sport is meant to be portrayed from a dangerous perspective now.

    Three rules need to be changed so that the reality of this new dangerous sport can exist. The author insists that these three rules should be extremely dangerous resulting in death.

Softball is my sport of choice, and these are my three altered rules:

    The person up to bat can take their bat with them around the bases to defend them from their opponent to make sure that they are safe and make it to home plate.

    The defense has to try to stab the runner with their metal cleats to get them out.

    Some softballs are actually grenades so the batter, the umpire, and anyone in the area could die at any moment if the pitcher happens to have a grenade instead of an actual ball.


    This is by far one of the craziest creative exercises I have done. The fact that it is asking for someone to manipulate the rules of a sports game so that there will be casualties is interesting. This exercise has actually been challenging because I could not imagine doing this in the sport of softball which I played for half of my life! It also took me some time trying to figure out ways that you would be successful at doing so. There are a ton of rules in softball, and it is a very strategic game.


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