Cracker Jackimus-Creative Exercise 32


    Almost everybody in this world loves surprises, well, if they are good surprises! The main group of people that love surprises more than anyone is children! Children are always happy for a surprise. They sit in jaw-clenching suspense waiting anxiously for their mysterious prize! Sometimes that is the only thing that they want, so they pour out all of the food or candy just to get to this new-found possession, like what is my prize already! There is no more waiting when the box or bag arrives.

    For my last creative exercise in this month's Post Production class, I have chosen the exercise “Cracker Jackimus” out of the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS”, and it is written by Stefan Mumaw.

    If the name of this exercise sounds awfully familiar to you, then your hunch was correct. This exercise has everything to do with the famous brand of caramel-coated popcorn named “Cracker Jacks". Only this exercise instructs the viewer to come up with as many ideas for toys that would be found in a Cracker Jacks box back in ancient Roman times. Quantity is the goal not quality. Oh, and you only have 3 minutes to do so.

“Cracker Jackimus” list:


Ball and Chain


Chain Vest

Laurel Reef




Julius Caesar Action Figure



    My list did not turn out to be as long as I wanted it to be. For some reason, I could not think of many things that children would want back in the Ancient Roman times. I am going to have to go do some research! The ideas that I came up with were decent. I am sure that any kid in that time period would love each one of them, especially because I am reading that there were many poor people. So, a surprise toy in a Cracker Jack box would make their day multiplied by 100. Sometimes when you are trying to come up with ideas, there needs to be a bit of research to go with it. We may need something to trigger an idea. When we do research on the areas that we need ideas for, something that you read or see my be very thing that triggers your successful idea! Also when you immerse yourself in the culture anything involving your object or service you are more than likely to see where gaps need to be filled in or where new opportunities lie.


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