The Swiss Pirates Army Knife-Creative Exercise 30


    Do you ever wonder what a pirate actually does all day? I guess the assumption is that they stagger around all slouched and bent over due to the unruly amount of alcohol that they consume, and now I’m smirking as a scene with the famous character Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean is playing in my head. I think the majority can agree with me when I say that those movies were epic. The acting was amazing. The storyline was amazing, and I definitely wouldn’t ever mind watching those movies again, even though I have already seen them plenty of times.

    I bet you’re wondering why I am blabbering on about this 21-year-old series, and well, I am about to tell you. I'm thinking of becoming one myself!

    I am just playing. Although, sometimes it does sound nice to have no worries and live on a ship or island in the middle of nowhere. Anyways….

    My creative exercise for this week is “The Swiss Pirates Army Knife” and I pulled this exercise from the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS”, and it is written by Stefan Mumaw. If you put two and two together and you are not totally lacking common sense, I believe you can figure out what direction this exercise is going in.

    “The Swill Pirates Army Knife Exercise” instructs the audience to write down as many Swiss Army knife tools as you can think of that a Pirate may need to live out their daily life. They cannot just live on a ship in the middle of the ocean or on some abandoned island without anything to help them build a life.

    The exercise also states that these tools do not have to be flat, and they do not have to fit in the standard knife. Stretch your imagination, and defy the laws of physics with only 3 minutes to scrounge up a list of ideas.

“The Swiss Army Knife”:







Cannon/Cannon Balls


Fishing pole







Bow and Arrow

Frying Pan

Screw Driver



    This list was a bit harder to achieve. I think that if I had a little more time to do the exercise I would have come up with more creative ideas. I think these ideas were a bit common. Most people would probably have come up with them. I stuck to the 3 minutes, and I did not go over. What tools do you think a pirate would need to live out their daily lives? What tools would you need if you’re new role to step into was a pirate?


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