
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Magical Mystery Bus - Creative Exercise 33

Introduction      It is the first week of Animation, and I can say that I am pretty excited. I watched some video clips from behind the scenes in Pixar a couple of classes ago, which highly sparked my interest. It was intriguing to see how they put together their movie scenes and the process it takes to get to the final product.      Anyway, this is my first creative exercise for my Animation class, and I have chosen an exercise that speaks near and dear to my heart. Music and touring have always been a passion and dream of mine, and I know that they will be incorporated into my career at some point or another.      This exercise is called “The Magical Mystery Tour Bus” . I came across this exercise in the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , and it is written by Stefan Mumaw .      Every musical artist or artist who travels dreams of what will be on their ideal tour bus. I have seen plenty of concerts to know who will be arriv