Publix Flowers Facebook Post- Project 32


    Publix has been in the spotlight for the last two weeks of my course, Graphic Design Portfolio. They are one of the major corporations in the Lakeland area where their headquarters reside. I chose these company based off of their outstanding values and how they portray themselves.

    For my last project of the course, I have chosen to create a Facebook post in its correct dimensions. The focal point of this post is flowers. Amongst the plethora of products and services that Publix provides one that may be hidden with the other gems is the floral department. This post is specifically for wedding flowers and arrangements.

    This idea came to me rather quickly. I chose a stunning bouquet from their website that I wanted to promote, Amber Romance. I decided to put the picture of the bride holding the bouquet up in the top left corner while the bouquet standing alone is just below it to the right. This showcases the flowers from two different perspectives.

    I added some lace around the picture of the bride and underneath the stand-alone bouquet to make it pop and bring out the elated emotions that one feels when they are planning for their beloved day.

    I came up with a slogan that fits the occasion, leading viewers to believe this is for a wedding, and I used the typeface Raleway bold and medium because it is similar to the typeface that Publix uses. 

    I then added a QR code for the URL to purchase Publix’s flowers online with a small box encouraging viewers to shop now.

Wedding Flowers Facebook Post


    It has been a fun, pleasurable, and knowledgeable experience creating and designing pieces that represent such a pristine company. Not only have I learned more about their company and the goods and services they provide, but I have delved more into their company’s culture. Working on this project has helped me build my time management skills along with creating pieces quality pieces and working on multiple projects and assignments at one time.


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