
Cracker Jackimus-Creative Exercise 32

Introduction      Almost everybody in this world loves surprises, well, if they are good surprises! The main group of people that love surprises more than anyone is children! Children are always happy for a surprise. They sit in jaw-clenching suspense waiting anxiously for their mysterious prize! Sometimes that is the only thing that they want, so they pour out all of the food or candy just to get to this new-found possession, like what is my prize already! There is no more waiting when the box or bag arrives.      For my last creative exercise in this month's Post Production class, I have chosen the exercise “Cracker Jackimus” out of the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , and it is written by Stefan Mumaw .      If the name of this exercise sounds awfully familiar to you, then your hunch was correct. This exercise has everything to do with the famous brand of caramel-coated popcorn named “Cracker Jacks" . Only this

Capture Captions-Creative Exercise 31

Introduction      Have you ever tried to describe something or someone without knowing what the actual name of the object or person is? I can tell you that I have and if I had to compare strengths and weaknesses, explaining something would be leaning more towards weaknesses! You stand there stuttering and blurting out a ton of ah’s, um’s, like’s, and you know what I’m saying’s, but you don’t actually get the point across! Someone might get lucky and guess the right answer, but the odds are they were thinking way out of the box. This exercise should help with this issue!      “Capture Options” is the name of my next creative exercise. It is also out of the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , and it is written by Stefan Mumaw . This is a very interesting and random exercise.      We are to take a random picture and display it so that we can sit down and view it. While we are looking at this crazy random photo, we are to take 10 m

The Swiss Pirates Army Knife-Creative Exercise 30

Introduction      Do you ever wonder what a pirate actually does all day? I guess the assumption is that they stagger around all slouched and bent over due to the unruly amount of alcohol that they consume, and now I’m smirking as a scene with the famous character Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean is playing in my head. I think the majority can agree with me when I say that those movies were epic. The acting was amazing. The storyline was amazing, and I definitely wouldn’t ever mind watching those movies again, even though I have already seen them plenty of times.      I bet you’re wondering why I am blabbering on about this 21-year-old series, and well, I am about to tell you. I'm thinking of becoming one myself!      I am just playing. Although, sometimes it does sound nice to have no worries and live on a ship or island in the middle of nowhere. Anyways….      My creative exercise for this week is “The Swiss Pirates Army Knife” and I pulled this exercise from t

Red-Creative Exercise 29

Introduction      Many things in this world are decorated and splattered with the color red. This color catches your eye at any cost. Plants grow and blossom into flattering red flowers, and people go crazy when they are in their presence. Also, something must always be said about a red dress or red lipstick. I am undeniably biased myself because red is my all-time favorite color. I mean where would we be without this irresistible color? My life would certainly be dull without it, and I am sure many other people would feel the same way.      Coincidentally enough this creative exercise is called “RED” . I came across this exercise in the book “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , and it is written by Stefan Mumaw .      In this exercise, we are to list as many words as possible that describe the color red. They can be other names for the color, or they can be analogies. The goal is to relate these things back to the color red as if you

Afroman-Creative Exercise 28

Introduction      I had to laugh to myself for a minute about this week’s creative exercise. Have you ever read something and instantly thought to yourself “I am not really sure what the heck I just read, but I am going to go ahead and pull this off anyway”? I mean there are so many things one can come up with, but we decided on this guys… Well, this was one of those times.      Sticking to this newly found book that I picked up in my Digital Video and Audio Editing course, I came across this creative exercise in “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , written by Stefan Mumaw . The creative exercise is called “AFROMAN” . I am just sitting here looking at the title like “lol ok”!      To introduce the exercise, the author states “Most men’s cologne is designed to do one thing: smell nice to women”. He goes on to say that without cologne men smell less appealing, and a majority of the population is already aware of this. The problem h

Object/Action/Effect-Creative Exercise 27

Introduction      I have recently embarked on a brand-new journey. It kind of just fell into my lap, and I believe that if things are meant to be then they will happen naturally. This new-found journey involves photography, and I am excited, scared, nervous, and all of the above. I will be taking photographs that relate to specific reports/stories that will be given to me. It will be exhilarating for sure.      In saying this, I came across a creative exercise that involves taking pictures of a process. The exercise is called OBJECT/ACTION/EFFECT out of the book: “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , written by Stefan Mumaw . The time limit for this creative exercise is 15 minutes.      OBJECT/ACTION/EFFECT explains: “If you took the cap off a marker and then put that marker in your shirt pocket, it wouldn’t be long before an ink stain appeared on your shirt”. The marker is the object. The action I putting the marker in your shirt po

DANGERBALL - Creative Exercise 26

Introduction      This week is week 2 of Digital Video and Audio Editing, and I have decided to switch up the process a tad bit. It isn’t a major switch, but change, even the smallest detail is good for the soul.      I am taking a hiatus from CAFFEINE FOR THE CREATIVE MIND: 250 EXERCISES TO WAKE UP YOUR BRAIN , and I am going to be exploring another book. This book is named “CREATIVE BOOT CAMP-GENERATE IDEAS IN GREATER QUANTITY & QUALITY IN 30 DAYS” , and it is written by Stefan Mumaw who was also a coauthor of the CAFFEINE series. I have chosen the creative exercise “DANGERBALL” .      I imagine that your wheels are spinning trying to figure out what this exercise is about. Obviously, it has something to do with a ball. Well, most activities that include a ball are organized sports. Unfortunately, but sometimes fortunately there are rules. Rules are put in place so that the sport flows, and people don’t get hurt or hurt somebody.      DANGERBALL wants you to remove a