Composition - Design Post 5

Introduction Graphic Designers create works of art to grab someone's attention, for example: posters. These works also should be accessible so that viewers are able to follow along with the flow of the work and this helps when the work of art is a magazine. This is what composition is responsible for. Fundamentals of Composition “ Composition is the form, the whole spatial property, and structure resulting from the arrangement of graphic elements – type and images – in relation to one another and to the format, created to visually communicate” (Landa, 2022). Two main goals of composition are creating visual interes t and clear communication . These contribute to the overall visual appeal. During the compositional process, you are rearranging and revising as you continue to create. Margins Margins are the spaces on the top, right, bottom, and left of any page. Visually, they act as frames sur...