Pencil Questions - Creative Exercise 10

Introduction Have you ever looked at a pencil and wondered how did we come up with this object? It has become a pretty handy invention, I must say. I found this creative exercise in a blog post called 10 Activities To Generate Better Ideas created by IDEO U . IDEO U has a podcast named Creative Confidence Podcast , and they brought on Brendan Boyle an IDEO U partner and founder of IDEO U Play Lab . Brendan Boyle discussed “how to bring playfulness back into the workplace”. He listed 10 activities that he uses with his team. The link is below for more information and activities. The activity I chose is called Pencil Questions . First things first, obtain an image of a pencil. The one that I looked at was a sharpened yellow-orange pencil with a pink eraser in a silver piece with a blue strip in the middle of the silver piece. Next, you ar...